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German Shorthaired Lab (Lab & German Shorthaired Pointer Mix)

German Shorthaired Lab (Lab & German Shorthaired Pointer Mix) Featured Image

Height: 26 – 28 inches
Weight: 55 – 80 pounds
Lifespan: 10 – 14 years
Colors: Chocolate, Yellow, Black, White, Brown, Black and Tan
Suitable for: Very active families able to spend time with their dog
Temperament: Alert, Active, Intelligent, Loyal, Friendly, Playful, Social

The German Shorthaired Lab is a mixed breed that has been crossed with the German Shorthaired Pointer and the Labrador Retriever. They are energetic, playful and even-tempered dogs that are very devoted to their families and would make excellent watchdogs.

These are large dogs that take on the slender proportions of their parent breeds as well as their short-haired, water-resistant coats. They have broad skulls, with long muzzles, large floppy ears and smooth, shiny coats.

These beautiful dogs love spending time with their family, but because of their large size, they need a large apartment or more preferably, a house with a yard.Divider 1

German Shorthaired Lab Puppies – Before You Buy…

German Shorthaired puppies
Credit: Stannyfield Shorthairs, Shutterstock

The German Shorthaired Lab is a very high-energy dog that requires a lot of exercise. Its intelligence and eager-to-please personality make for a dog that is easy to train and to teach tricks. They have good overall health, avoiding many of the health concerns that purebreds might experience. They are not aggressive and are generally happy dogs but are protective of their families, which will make them excellent guard dogs.

What’s the Price of German Shorthaired Lab Puppies?

These puppies can range anywhere from $500 to $3000. The price will depend on where you find your puppy, whether it is through a breeder or a rescue. If you buy a puppy through a breeder, you should always check the credentials to ensure you are purchasing a healthy puppy that has been taken care of properly. Rescues do not guarantee the pedigree or early socialization of the puppy, but it is a very worthwhile endeavor to rescue an animal.Divider 8

3 Little-Known Facts About German Shorthaired Lab

1. The German Shorthaired Lab has retriever abilities.

They usually inherit the retriever traits from both of their parents and are happy to play ball and Frisbee with their owners.

2. The German Shorthaired Lab requires vigorous exercise.

They need lots of walks and runs to keep them healthy and happy. A run on the beach or in a park will give them the mental and physical stimulation they require.

3. The German Shorthaired Lab can become sniffer dogs.

One of the traits of the German Shorthaired Pointer is working as an excellent tracking dog. If the German Shorthaired Lab inherits this trait, they can become a detection dog and work with law enforcement to detect narcotics and criminals.

German Shorthaired
Parents of the German Shorthaired, left: German Shorthaired Pointer, Right: Labrador Retriever

Temperament & Intelligence of the German Shorthaired Lab

Are These Dogs Good for Families?

The German Shorthaired Lab is an excellent family dog that is loyal, playful and energetic. They are very good with children provided there is supervision if the children are quite young. Always teach your children how to approach any dog appropriately and how to play gently with them. Because of their need to play and run, they make fun companions for the entire family and will act as loyal protectors.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets?

They get along quite well with other animals, depending on how well they are socialized as puppies. Overall, the German Shorthaired Lab is a very easygoing dog that is friendly with pets and strangers.Divider 4

Things to Know When Owning a German Shorthaired Lab:

Food & Diet Requirements

The German Shorthaired Lab is a large dog and will require the same nutritional requirements for high energy large breed dogs.  Overfeeding is possible for this hybrid because of the Labrador Retriever parentage (Labs are notorious for eating too much, which is linked to obesity in this breed) so do not leave food out for them for the entire day.


Both the Labrador Retrievers and the German Shorthaired Pointers are hunting dogs, which makes the German Shorthaired Lab a very high energy dog. They require a lot of exercise, and you should plan on taking this dog out for a long walk at least twice a day. This can also be accomplished by jogging or riding your bike with your dog running next to you and taking them to the park and throwing a ball around.

This hybrid will do very well with an active family that plans on spending a lot of time and energy with their family pet. Negative behaviors might result if you do not meet this dog’s exercise needs such as barking, chewing and digging.


The German Shorthaired Lab is highly intelligent and is very eager to please, which makes for training that will happen quickly and easily. Like with all puppies, teaching socialization at a young age is imperative and train with a lot of positive reinforcement but with consistency and firmness.

Grooming ✂️

The German Shorthaired Lab does tend to shed a fair amount, but because of the short, straight coat, grooming is easy. Brushing just once or twice a week will suffice unless your dog is shedding a great deal (most typically in the spring and the fall). Then you might want to groom your dog every day. During this period only bathe your dog when necessary as overbathing could dry out the skin (usually not much more than once a month). This hybrid does have floppy ears, and ear cleaning will be a necessary part of grooming.

The usual teeth cleaning and nail trimming are additional parts of grooming necessary for all dogs.

Health and Conditions

Minor Conditions
Serious Conditions

The vet should regularly check your hybrid to ensure your dog is in good health. Discussing the health history of your dog’s parents with the breeder will give you a better understanding of your dog.Divider 5

Male vs Female

In general, the primary difference between male and female German Shorthaired Labs tends to be their size. The females are usually smaller and a little lighter than the males. The females tend to run 26 inches in height and weigh 55 – 65 pounds whereas the males are usually 26 – 28 inches in height and weigh 55 – 80 pounds.

Some believe there are personality differences between the different sexes, such as the males are more aggressive and less affectionate than the females, but there are a number of discussions on this subject.

Another difference is biological. Using your dog for breeding purposes or if you decide to have your dog neutered or spayed. Spaying your female dog is a more complicated procedure and will essentially cost more than having your male dog neutered. After your dog has had the surgery, some dogs become less excitable and less aggressive.

Overall, your dog’s behavior will be determined based on how they were socialized and trained by their owners.

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Final Thoughts

The German Shorthaired Lab is the perfect dog for your family if you enjoy a lot of outdoor activity, and you want a confident, sweet-natured, loving and intelligent addition to your family. Grooming and training these dogs is easier than most but keep in mind that they need both physical and mental stimulation every day or they might resort to destructive behavior.

There are a few breeders available if you search for hybrid retrievers or German Shorthaired Labs. Otherwise talk to breeders of German Shorthaired Pointers and Labrador Retrievers who might be able to assist you in your search. You can also contact rescue societies as well as local and national dog clubs or post in social media forums.

The German Shorthaired Pointer and the Labrador Retriever are both fantastic family-oriented dogs, and when you combine the two, you end up with the amazing German Shorthaired Lab.

Featured Image Credit: EvaHeaven2018, Shutterstock